martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Stereotypes in Latin America

In this oportunity i talk about my land "Latinoamerica"

Latinoamerica is only geographic area but this area has a lot characteristic: culture, geographic, economic, social, enviromental, political etc. And all this thigns generate more differents stereotypes in the people, thist exist because the conditions and characteristic where people live create and define the form that people to develop. In Latin America exist many diversity of stereotypes some of they are:

-The typical steotypes of Latin America are hard-working and real fighter, like say Calle 13 "village without leg but walking".

I think about exist stereotypes is very interesting and nice, because the diversity of differents life styles and view to contribute generate identity in the country and in the word, to enrich the culture and practice.

In Chile exist stereotypes about supportive and gossipy people, but in general the people is very fighter and nice, allthough the people can be difference depend of the ubication geographic, because the people of noth of Chile is very different to the people of south of Chile.

Other countries view Chile how a beautiful place with nice people, very generous and friendly. In general other countries have a good view and opinion about us.

7 comentarios:

  1. I loved the part of Calle 13 that you talked.
    I think that this song represent correctly the culture of latinomaerica.

  2. I think that I see the sterotypes like a bad think, maybe you are right in many things :) TONTA

  3. Calle 13 tell the whole truth :D

  4. there is good and bads stereotypes silvana, you must evaluate all of them, even the one says by "residente"

  5. But in Europe the people says that we are fucking thieves!! (and that what i say is a stereotype too :D)

  6. silvana what do you think over the flaytes?

  7. I like that Calle 13 say: "village without leg but walking", because despite all odds, however latinamerican people get up!
