sábado, 16 de abril de 2011

Field Trip

Today i tell you about a important part of my life and my career, THE FIELD TRIP, this instances are the best moment in the life, in the university make many field trip in the years, but the best and the most memorable was in 2009 when i traveled with my course to Huasco (3° region of Tarapaca in Chile). This field trip was of Cultural Geography, witnessed almost the entire course.

The way was quite long, so we had time to party in the bus and also afcourse to get some sleep, because we would get straight to work to get off the bus. in the bus we organized in the bus in group of 3 person, each group was left in a local village and after some hours the bus would pick us, this dynamin was repeated every day that we were there.

With my group work in a place called EL TRANSITO, the same place where we were staying in a boarding elementary school children. We were about 4 days in this area, work hard, we wake ups early and went to the bed very late, so last Saturday night we were there, organized a big barbecue and big party at a school that gave us.

4 comentarios:

  1. Huasco was a great filed trip I remember, but no so clearly hmmm XD

  2. Awesome! I would love to go to that field trip but did not have the course :(

  3. hi Banana, you can not imagine that I have heard things that happened in that famous trip to Huasco ...

  4. Lots of people are talking about this field trip!
